Today, 24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice; a non-stop prayer meeting that has continued for every minute of this century so far, in over half the countries on Earth.
24-7 Prayer Rooms help people learn to pray by praying. Any space can be turned into a prayer room - a place for your community to join together to seek God’s face; to pray every hour for a set period of time.
In the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, many Churches and groups have committed to praying non-stop as a community, but without creating a physical prayer room so as to maintain physical distancing.
These can be done using chat groups, conference calls, Zoom, or by simply having a list posted that your group can come to, to pray for the needs of our community.
We have registered our 24-7 virtual prayer room as part of the International 24-7 Prayer movement. All you need to do is sign up by clicking HERE and you will be sent instructions and a link to book your one-hour prayer slot. You can choose a single hour and pray once, or you can book one or multiple hours a week (doesn't have to be the same one, work it around your schedule), or perhaps you'd like to work on a new prayer discipline and pray at the same hour every day for a whole month, or simply check from time to time, see what slot is open that works with your schedule, and grab it. Whatever works for you. You can even book a time for a group of you to pray at the same time. The most important thing is to start.
If your church or organization wants to host a 24-hour prayer time for a day, a week, or whatever, let me know. We can set up a colour-coded series of dates so your church can sign up for that particular challenge.
If the thought of praying for a whole hour creates rising panic, no worries! Feel free to share the hour with someone else! Also, when you register you will be given a link to a website with prayer resources, training and instructions to help you pray well for your allotted hour.
Feel free to invite your friends and church to pray with you by sharing the link: yyc247prayer.com!